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Rewriting ludi using vue.js framework

Till now LUDI was developped from scratch in vanilla script as a concept test. The code complexity raised enough to decide using a JS framework to rebuilt it.

Among the candidates I've read about Angular, React, Ember... till I've found out Vue. It seems to fit with my requeriments: low learning curve and easy readability and maintainability of code.

So, here I am, rewriting the whole stuff from scratch.

The roadmap is:

  1. Module "Ludi" (play in Esperanto): multilingual interactive fiction to play alone.
  2. Module "Kune"(together, in Esperanto): to interact with another users and play in "team mode": one leader takes decisions but the rest of the team can propose alternatives.


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The vision


Autum 2021

The collaborative feature has been temporarily disabled to spend time improving the kunludi engine, which now includes internal links in the texts, in the manner of twine or inkle. Finishing the game featuring the 2021 ectocomp jam: "Intruder" Roadmap: Improve the library to facilitate the writing of games. Re-enable the collaborative feature, to resume playing games in group, a kind of "escape room way", where each member can see the game in a different language or client (not only the current web client but also playing on Telegram).