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Summer 2019 updates and plans


  • now runs under ubuntu 18.04
  • Moreover, framework vue.js was migrated to 2.x version
  • Database migrated from rethinkDB to mongoDB

Technical to-do list:

  • https
  • updated version of Telegram bot
  • features for registered users: as private slots for online playing 
  • collaborative mode using token-passing: one player plays and the others simply watch, although the token can be requested. (the current collaborative mode is "everyone plays")

Games to-do list:


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The vision


Rewriting ludi using vue.js framework

Till now LUDI was developped from scratch in vanilla script as a concept test. The code complexity raised enough to decide using a JS framework to rebuilt it. Among the candidates I've read about Angular, React, Ember... till I've found out Vue . It seems to fit with my requeriments: low learning curve and easy readability and maintainability of code. So, here I am, rewriting the whole stuff from scratch. The roadmap is: Module "Ludi" (play in Esperanto): multilingual interactive fiction to play alone. Module "Kune"(together, in Esperanto): to interact with another users and play in "team mode": one leader takes decisions but the rest of the team can propose alternatives.

Kunludi3: restart from scratch

 Hi there. I'm rebuilding kunludi. It will remain a multilanguage collaborative interactive fiction engine, but I quit the efforts on the web layer to focus on the kernel. doesn't point anymore to a server, but only to this documentation and the repositories where the code remains. In the former versions of kunludi, the server was used to publish games and to allow play in collaborative mode: in that mode, the game run in the server and the clients simply use a proxy to the server. But I've changed my mind. In kunludi3, games will be run always in a host client, but the hosts will be able to share the game state by using a orchestator server, where others clients connect to play. So I shouldn't be very different for present clients: instead using a proxy agains the former server which run the game, clients will use a similar proxy to connect to a orchestrator server, which will have the game state from the game host, but server won't execute